Licensing Management and Contract Compliance

Best services - Licensing Management and Contract Compliance

Businesses are constantly looking for ways to improve their cash flow, but rights associated with intangible assets are often neglected. Licensing, franchising, supplier or distributor agreements are often very complex and non-compliance with the provisions of these agreements can have a direct impact on the bottom line. Over the life of a long-term agreement, the 'revenue leakage' may result in hundreds of thousands, and in some cases, millions in lost income.

In 95% of the royalty and revenue share examinations we undertake for our clients, we uncover underreported revenues due to a variety of reasons with the primary drivers being clerical errors, accounting mistakes or contract misunderstandings.

We hereby offer to our clients best of our services for optimise their revenues, capitalise on and protect their intellectual property rights, and successfully manage risk.


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